Education For Life
The CFMSS vision of education aims at the formation of the human person with respect to his / her ultimate goal and simultaneously with respect to the good of those societies of which she / he is a member and in whose responsibilities as an adult she/ he will share. The society considers school as an effective agent in promoting the integral formation of the child in the gospel Spirit of love and freedom – a love that excludes no one because of religion, region, nationality or race – in order to shape a just human society where dignity of the human person is upheld, where unjust social structures are challenged, where our cultural heritage of non violence, religious harmony and national integration are cherished, where the poor and the down trodden are specially taken care of. Hence all our efforts are oriented to form the students to be intellectually competent, morally sound, psychologically whole, spiritually responsible, growing in friendly and harmonious interpersonal relationship imbued with a deep sense of noble values and concern for the less fortunate, and ever open to further growth.
Our Mission
We believe that the essence of life is in relationships. At Sacred Heart, where the order of the day is love God, work hard, and take good care of one another, we nurture and develop eternal relationships with God and neighbor. We engage in sacred partnership with our students’ parents – focused on the same goal: How to help each young man become all that God wants him/her to be in body, mind, and soul. Neither arrogant nor apologetic about our Catholic faith, we strive to be the very strongest, very best Catholic School that we can be, and we are so wonderfully enriched by the many students, faculty, and staff, who come to us from other faith traditions, or from no faith tradition at all. Clearly, the message of Jesus Christ is one of inclusion, not exclusion. When we express our mission – the pursuit of truth through faith and reason – we struggle to put into words the ineffable dynamic that defines us. By expanding our spiritual lives and by intensifying our scholarship, we strive to become the most complete, most integrated people that we can be.